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 PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:37 pm Reply with quote        
I've picked up 100 Years of Solitude (for the THIRD time - never finished it once) and am once again astounded by Gabriel Garcia Marquez's mastery of magic realism. This is by far my favorite literary device, and I wish so badly to be able to emulate his method of storytelling. Everything is so deep and profound that I just... Honestly? It made me give up writing for a while. I figured, hell, I can NEVER live up to something this beautiful. I've gotten to the point that I at least want to try - I'm still under the romanticized impression that I actually have something unique to offer the world, haha.

What authors inspire you the most? Have you ever read something that just made you put down that pen and question your own abilities, if only for a moment? That, truly, is when I think that an author has influenced you in the greatest way possible. It opens the doors for self-evaluation and criticism, which is always healthy in small doses.

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 PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:34 pm Reply with quote        
I get a lot of inspiration from Kathryn Lasky, mostly from her Guardians of Gahoole books and from Sarah Ash's The Tears 0f Atamon series.
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 PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:27 pm Reply with quote        
You should always be open to self-criticism, but I think its absolutely silly to look at someone better than you and go, "I give up, I'll never be that good."

Well if you give up, you'll never know if you can be that good, now can you?

Though this is the most hypocritical thing for me to say, because I've gone months without drawing anything because I've given up on my artistic abilities, looking at everyone else's skills xD



Always write for yourself. And if you can't do that any more, write for your stories and characters.

Anyway, The Books of Pellinor (series) by Alison Croggon has been and is still one of the most influential books I've ever read. While she isn't necessarily the best writer ever, she is an AMAZING story-teller. Kind of like JK Rowling-- a rather untalented writer, but one of the most skilled story-weavers of this generation.

Also, The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.

Hands down the best fantasy series (though its only two books in) that I have ever had the privilege of reading.

And then, of course, Kelly Link's short realistic fantasies stories. She is remarkable good at constructing worlds and immersing the reader in these worlds-- and it doesn't take her more than ten pages.


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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:39 am Reply with quote        
I've written stories since I was a kid. I've come across some of them in shape of old documents on the computer or as poorly handwritten pamphlets. So I've allways been an active writer, and have allways had a huge imagination. Anyways... like 4 or 5 years ago, I decided to read a book. That was a big thing for me then, because I've never been a big reader, and at that point to most books I had read was stuff I was forced to read in school.

Anyway, the book was "High-Rise", by J. G. Ballard, and that book really inspired me and made me have a fresh new view on writing. The book gave me a well needed insight in my writing, and I have evolved since, and still I do!

Still, I'm not a big reader, but I've read a few books by Isaac Asimov. I wouldn't consider him "the best" or in any way in that group, but I sure find his writings entertaining, and that simple fact inspired me too! To be an entertaining, engulfing writer.

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 PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:40 pm Reply with quote        
The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, definately.

The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice is another big favorite; I've been reading her for years! At least a decade now, if not longer.

... Wow, I feel old.

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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:43 am Reply with quote        
I have a few inspirations, but here are my two biggest ones:

Emily Rodda is huge for me since I started my children's novel, as I realized that she is what I am aspiring to be- the author of epic quests for young people that even older people can get into. If you haven't read Deltora Quest you really should. It's good stuff.

My second biggest inspiration is Simon R. Green, specifically his Nightside series. I love love LOVE his character and world designs so much and can only hope to weave such an intriguing landscape peppered with such amazing people.

There are others, but those two... MY GOD.



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 PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:47 pm Reply with quote        
I really love Roald Dahl, his books are so enjoyable to read! Weeeee I love to read them over and over, the language is just so magical and funny. My favourites are probably The Witches and Matilda.
I also like most of Charles Dickens's works, just for how plain and honest he is. A combination of Dickens and Dahl is a perfect balance for me.

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 PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:56 pm Reply with quote        
I think most of my favorite books have really inspired me a lot. Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier has never left my mind once since I read it, always making me rethink my outlook on the world, and that affects my writing and ability to write greatly. Of course, there are a plethora of other authors who astound me and mesmerize me. Lisa See is the only author of historical anything I've ever enjoyed. Even if it was still fiction, I usually hate history, and yet Lisa See made me feel like I was indulging in sweets despite the sadness of the past with each word I read of Snowflower and The Secret Fan...

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 PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:51 am Reply with quote        
My main influences are Emily Rodda and John Green. Two very different styles, but I love them both.
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