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Overlord Branny

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 PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:46 am Reply with quote        
Isn't sad to clear out a friends list on your messengers?
I'm currently going through and deleting people who haven't been on in months or clearly removed me from their on buddy list on Skype.

It actually makes me really sad to delete people I had such good conversations with and friendships, even if they only lasted for a few weeks..

I tried not to get emotional when I removed someone whom I've been friends with for over 2 years and now doesn't even talk to me anymore and has removed me from his skype...


Does anyone else ever feel like this?


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 PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:11 am Reply with quote        
Yeah. I've never needed to clean out friendlists because I've got like... Less than ten people on each messenger/Skype, but it always makes me really sad when someone I used to talk to literally /all/ the time decide they don't want to talk to you anymore...

I usually don't delete them, though, even if they've deleted me. Don't want to forget all the good times.

I am Lady Sprinkles.

Uni has swallowed me whole, in more ways than one, sorry guys. Feel free to PM any questions (or nonquestions {or anything else, no limits here}) you have, although I don't know when I'll get to them since I'm barely on atm.

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 PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:24 pm Reply with quote        
i only delete friends on facebook, which isnt difficult because these are the people i add for school and such, not for actually wanting to be friends with them XP
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