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Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:59 pm Reply with quote        
Is this the right forum? o Ao I'm still second-guessing forum choices for some of my topics D:

I noticed there isn't any B/C shops here o 3o Is that just because no one has bothered/wanted to make one, or is it taboo or something...?


Oh. For anyone who doesn't know, a B/C shop is basically art that progresses through stages. Usually from an infant stage to an adult, but people can get pretty creative xD. They are also sometimes breedable, meaning you can breed two adults and get a whole other adoptable starting from infant stage.

I personally really like B/C adoptables xD. I'd like to sell some but I don't want anyone getting angry at me or something .-.


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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:07 pm Reply with quote        
I think you can definitely sell what you want to do! The only down side to most of these things is the amount of silver people have and the system of how the breedables will grow.
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:11 pm Reply with quote        
. A.



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 PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:26 pm Reply with quote        
I've always like the system of breedables/changelings.

A system like this:
Egg (lvl 0) --> Baby stage (lvl 1) --> Young Adult (lvl 2) --> Adult (lvl 3) --> Ultimate

In order for the B/C to grow, or level, the player would roleplay with their B/C. This is where unique quests would come into play and a the amount of silver as well.

Your clients would to pay silver for every new stage their B/C would grow into. I have only been here for a few days and I'm still not sure how I'm going to acquire silver besides from posting often. Hahah.
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:07 am Reply with quote        
I know what it is xD I didn't understand how those things were downsides.

Leveling the adoptables definitely shouldn't involve more money... at least, all the B/C shops I've had, what you pay for the first stage is what you pay, and you level your adoptables other ways. I would never make my customers pay more o Ao

Also, the way B/Cs work is very malleable. There are probably hundreds of different ways to run your shop.

Hm. Well, you get silver from battling. But this is a community-based site, so they probably want to encourage members to post in the forums xD that's why there aren't many ways besides that to get more money. But I don't mind, everyone here is so nice =]


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 PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:00 am Reply with quote        
I think it's just that no-one has really run one here before. There were a couple of simple pixel adoptables started a while ago, but the owners of those sorta... did a vanishing act XD so they didn't really get very far..

as for earning silver, you've probably both already realised this but the longer your posts are, the more silver you earn. The cap is at 100 silver. But basically it means roleplaying or just... talking alot like i do will get you plenty of silver in no time at all XD if that helps any.


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