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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:20 am Reply with quote        
It was a gorgeous day in the middle of spring and a certain pregnant redhead was lounging in the sun, enjoying the breeze and the fresh air. She didn't even have her hat with her, since it had to get washed, which Ash, of all people, was currently doing for her.

She lightly rubbed her rather large belly and smiled as Kit leapt over her, chasing a butterfly.

”Hey! Watch it pussy cat. Don't land on me.” the redhead warned the cat, who just 'mrowed' and continued on. As the panther stalked off, trying to get that butterfly, the redhead didn't notice a taller woman approaching her.

”Hey Rowena, could you help me out with something?”

The redhead, Rowena, looked up at the taller woman and just smiled.

”Sure Ashley. What's up?” Rowena asked.

”Well, I found something in the forest that I'm sure you would want to know about. So, come on. Don't worry, it's not far.” Ashley said.

Rowena just nodded before getting to her feet and following Ashley into the woods.


Two hours later, when Ash would go looking for his mother to return her hat, he wouldn't find her where he knew she was last. When he tried to call her cell, he heard it ringing next to the chair she was laying back in out in the backyard. He didn't see his girlfriend anywhere, either,.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:09 pm Reply with quote        
Ash looked around, scratching his head some.

"Huh...? Where did she go...?" he asked himself, as he started to wander around the backyard.

"Hey! Mom!?" he called out.

"I finished washing your hat! Where ya at!?" he called further.

When he received no answer, he began to look a smidgen worried.

"Alright... I know Mom's not the type to just up and disappear without a reason..." he told himself. "But you'd think I'd be given a courtesy notification from her... or at least a scribbled not..." he continued, before shaking his head.

"No way, I'm overthinking this." he assured himself, as he looked to the hat he was holding, and sighed.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:37 pm Reply with quote        
As he was puzzling over where his mother went, he heard her cell ring over by where he knew she had been sitting. He was able to identify the ring almost instantly, since it was the same one that he'd downloaded for his own phone for the same person. It was her twin sister, Rocky, calling, someone that Rowena never ignored a call from. So... why would she be gone, and her cell still there...?

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:52 pm Reply with quote        
"Ok, NOW I'm a little concerned." he said to himself definitively, as he made his way over to the phone and picked it up.

He sighed a little, before answering it.

"Hi, Aunt Rocky." he said into it.

"And before you ask, yes, I know this is Mom's cell phone, no I don't know where she is. Last I saw, she was out here in the lawn relaxing, but when I came back, she was gone. And her cell is still here, obviously." he explained.

"And yes, I'm a little concerned." he added.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:08 pm Reply with quote        
He heard his Aunt sigh over the phone.

"Ashley, do me a favour will you?" She asked.

"Go find your brother, and meet me in the den there. We have problems, and something tells me that your mother going missing is an intricate part of it." She said

"I'll be there in ten." she added before just hanging up.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:17 pm Reply with quote        
Before he could say anything, she had hung up.

".......that just doesn't sound good." he said to himself, as he went off to get his brother, who was upstairs in his home office.

-About 8 minutes later-

"So, Mom is missing." Lindsay said, as he and Ash sat in the den.

"Yep." Ash replied.

"And Aunt Rocky said that there's problems, and Mom missing is more than likely key here." he continued.

"Yep." Ash replied.

"All I can say is that there better be a good explanation for this, then." Lindsay muttered as he then sighed.

"Same." Ash concurred.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:21 pm Reply with quote        
It was a couple of minutes after Lindsay had the situation explained to him, as far as Ash knew, at the very least, when the room was engulfed in some flames. When the flames subsided, their Aunt was standing there with a male that looked to be slightly younger than her.

"You alright?" She asked him. Once he nodded, since he was a bit hesitant to breathe right away because of the smoke that the flames gave off, Rocky turned to the twins.

"Hey." She said.

"We have some rather large problems, it seems. I don't know who is behind it, but someone did a mass necromantic revival." She told them honestly.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:25 pm Reply with quote        
"Um.... wait, what?" Ash asked, obviously confused.

Lindsay merely looked at the man that was with Rocky, carefully studying him. He seemed to be an average person, nothing unique or special about him... but that was it. That's what made him so unusual.

"Aunt Rocky..." he said to her.

"He's... a normal mortal human, isn't he?" he asked.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:32 pm Reply with quote        
Rocky gently pushed the man she was with onto the couch, while he looked lost as he just surveyed the room. She just looked to her nephew's again.

"Lindsay, you're right. He's mortal. No magic to him." She told him simply.

"And he's my husband." she added after a moment.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:34 pm Reply with quote        
Ash's jaw would have dropped to the floor, if it were able.

"But.... but... didn't... didn't he...?" he started to ask, but was interrupted and answered by Lindsay.

"I'm guessing he passed away a long time ago. Meaning this is her basis for saying this is a work of mass necromancy." he explained.

"And I'm also pretty sure Casey didn't do it." he added. "She's powerful, but not THAT powerful."

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:36 pm Reply with quote        
Rocky nodded.

"Exactly." She said as she sat down next to her dead husband.

"I don't know what's going on, but I do know that I ran into Alexander, aswell." She added, a growl to her voice. "The fucking bastard is out my sisters fucking chain somehow."

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:46 pm Reply with quote        
Upon hearing this, Ash's face paled.

".....one second." he said, before running from the room.

"What the...?" Lindsay replied, obviously a little lost.

It was about a minute, before Ash returned with Rowena's hat.

"The chain... it's gone." he said.

"......what?" Lindsay asked, sounding monotone and unimpressed.

"When I was washing her hat... I put the chain on the shelf beside the deep sink. I just went to check... it's gone. It disappeared." he clarified.

"This.... does NOT spell out anything good." Lindsay commented.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:50 pm Reply with quote        
"Which means that all of those that were contained within, are freed now." Rocky said with a sigh before paling and looking between the boys.

"..... Shit... Boys, your mother may be in danger." She told them honestly. "When a Fyrane creates a chain, the only way for the chain to be destroyed, or for it to vanish as you say it has, Ash... is for the Fyrane to die...."

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:09 pm Reply with quote        
"We need to find her then." Lindsay said simply.

"And now." Ash added.

"Only problem is.... we have no idea where she went, where she is, which way she went, or where to start." Lindsay reminded him.

"............shit." Ash cursed.

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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:12 pm Reply with quote        
Rocky sighed as she laid her head in her hands.

"If we had her chain, we could track her through that, since it, well it's been argued that the chain a Fyrane creates has a part of them embedded within." She said, not looking up, and sounding rather dejected, which was a first for the boys.

She was there for only a few seconds before pulling her phone out of her pocket and sending a text to Vincent.

Hey, we've got problems. Get your ass over to here. I'm with your step-sons. she sent before shoving it in her pocket again.

She looked towards Lindsay and opened her mouth to ask him something when his phone rang.
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