Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:11 am
| Rules:
- Follow Midorea's rules and ToS.
- Do not steal my work! Buying an adoptable doesn't me you created it, so please give me credits when you post them somewhere.
- Once an creature has been adopted, it is linked to their first owner FOREVER, which means you can't sell them, give them, etc. In extremely special cases, I might allow an exchange, but you have to contact me first.
- Be respectful. Flaming, trolling and the likes won't be tolerated here.
- Be sure to read the description and rules of each section.
- I can add new rules at any time.
Coming up soon...
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:11 am
| Flatsales:
During flatsales, a certain mount of adoptables (2-6) will be displayded, along with their price and the starting date of the flatsale. Once the flatsale starts, the first person who claims an adoptable and pays for it gets it.
Flatsale Rules and Information:
- I'll make a post stating that the flatsale is open on the starting date. Claims made before that won't count.
- To claim a creature, simply post saying "I claim creature #x", or something similar.
- Once you've claimed a creature, I'll PM you to get some extra information.
- Payment should be sent before you receive your creature.
- Failure to pay within a week will cancel your claim, and the adoptable will be available again to other people.
- Once you've sent your payment and the required information, you'll receive your adoptable with his identification tag.
Flatsale #3:
Starting date: Unknown
Price: 500 silver
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Female
Clan: Lynx
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Female
Clan: Lynx
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Male
Clan: Lynx
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Male
Clan: Lynx
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Female
Clan: Lynx
Picture coming soon!
Gender: Male
Clan: Lynx
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:11 am
| Auction:
An auction here works like pretty much all auctions. Starting whenever I decide the auction starts, people will be allowed to bid a certain amoun of silver. Whoever has the highest bid when the auction ends wins.
Rules and Information:
- I'll post an announcement to state when an auction starts. Any offer made before that will be ignored.
- To bid, simply post something like "I bid x silver on the auction creature."
- For now, you cannot have someone else bid for you if you can't be around.
- Any tactic is fair. You can bid a huge amount of money and hope no one will top it, or wait 'till the last minute and bid just a bit over the last bid, or anything else.
- Any bid made after the ending date (see below) won't count, even if there's no new post saying it has ended.
- Anybody can participate in this auction.
Auction #2
Coming soon!
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:12 am
| Raffle:
Whenever a raffle happens, people will be able to buy tickets. Tickets will generally costs 25 silver each, and one person is limited to 10 tickets to keep things fair. At the end of the auction, I'll use a random number generator to determine the winner.
Rules and Information:
- I'll post an announcement to state when an raffle starts, then you'll be able to buy tickets
- To buy tickets, simply donate the necessary amount of silver to my account.
- DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A MESSAGE WITH YOUR DONATION, saying how many tickets you are buying or something like that.
- You can buy all your tickets at the same time, or wait for some people to join before buying a few to spread your number.
- I'll use Midorea's Raffle Winner item to determine the winning ticket.
- Anybody can participate in this raffle.
Raffle #2
Coming soon!
Previous Raffles:
Raffle #1: Results here!
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:12 am
| Customs:
Custom adoptables are made to order to fit the tastes of their owner. Pretty much everything can be customized, as long as it can be done with the line art. Their price depends mostly of how much work they'll require, but generally, the more details you ask for, the higher the price will be.
Rules and Information:
- Although I said everything could be modified, I reserve the right to refuse some modifications if I consider they don't work with my adoptables and their universe.
- Even if you made some creative choices for your custom and paid for it, it's still my art.
- Customs follow the same rules as the other adoptables.
- I'll keep a limited number of slots open to prevent delays and stuff. If all the slots (see below) are full, or if they're marked as "closed", don't send an order.
- If you are unsatisfied with your custom, contact me and we'll work something out.
- Orders should be PMed to me, not posted in this thread!
Slots: CLOSED!
1. ~
2. ~
3. ~
Order form: One Stage Custom
One stage customs come all grown up and ready to... do whatever you want, I guess. They cost a bit less, but you don't have as much freedom to create them.
Code: |
[b]Skin color:[/b] (only natural skin colors)
[b]Tattoo:[/b] (Remember that not all clans have a lot of skin showing, so putting a tattoo on them could be hard/useless.)
[b]Hair:[/b] (By default, the hair are generally kept short, or brought back under the mask/hat. However, it is possible to have some showing,)
[b]Mask's colors:[/b] (Simple enough. Unnatural colors are harder to achieve and so are generally only used like highlights.)
[b]Mask's details:[/b] (Anything special you'd like to see on their mask. By default, mask are made of fur that is dyed to create the desired effects, but accessories can be added to them.)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (By default, adoptables come with the standard clothes of their clan (see already made adoptables). Changing the color and/or adding pattern isn't too hard, but changing the type of clothes will take more time.)
[b]Items:[/b] (Remember the line art...)
[b]Accessories/jewelry:[/b] (Again, remember the line art...)
[b]Other:[/b] |
Order form: Full Stage Custom
Full stage custom start like baby and evolve all the way to adulthood. Obviously, they will cost more, but they give you all the freedom to create what you want.
Code: |
[b]Skin color:[/b] (only natural skin colors)
[b]Tattoo:[/b] (Remember that not all clans have a lot of skin showing, so putting a tattoo on them could be hard/useless.)
[b]Hair:[/b] (By default, the hair are generally kept short, or brought back under the mask/hat. However, it is possible to have some showing,)
[b]Mask's colors:[/b] (Simple enough. Unnatural colors are harder to achieve and so are generally only used like highlights.)
[b]Mask's details:[/b] (Anything special you'd like to see on their mask. By default, mask are made of fur that is dyed to create the desired effects, but accessories can be added to them.)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (By default, adoptables come with the standard clothes of their clan (see already made adoptables). Changing the color and/or adding pattern isn't too hard, but changing the type of clothes will take more time.)
[b]Items:[/b] (Remember the line art...)
[b]Accessories/jewelry:[/b] (Again, remember the line art...)
[b]Baby and teen stages information:[/b]
[b]Base:[/b] (Any variation of the skin/hair that should be shown at younger age?)
[b]Mask:[/b] (A mask is only complete when its owner reaches adulthood. Before that, it will evolve gradually with each stage. So, how do you want it to evolve?)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (How should the clothes look on the younger stages? Any hint of color/pattern?)
[b]Items:[/b] (Any item the creature should be carrying at a younger age? Includes accessory and jewelry too.)
[b]Other:[/b] |
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:12 am
| Breeding:
Breeding... well, it's probably easy enough to understand. Sometimes creatures meet, fall in love, and make babies. There are many different options to breed your adoptables, and a lot of things to consider, but I'll try to make this easy.
Rules and Information:
- Breeding isn't like customs! You never know exactly what you'll get.
- Bred adoptables follow the same rules as other adoptables.
- Be sure to read each option's description carefully. It'll save us all some time.
- I'll keep a limited number of slots open to prevent delays and stuff. If all the slots (see below) are full, or if they're marked as "closed", don't send an order.
- Order should be PMed to me, not posted in this thread.
Slots: CLOSED!
1. ~
2. ~
3. ~
Order Form:
Code: |
[b]Breeding Option:[/b] (pick from the list below)
[b]Parent #1:[/b]
[b]Owned By:[/b]
[b]Parent #2:[/b]
[b]Owned By:[/b]
The baby(babies) should be sent to:
Other: (that's the place where you should quote your role-play posts, or add any other important information, like if you own some special items you'd like to add to this adoptable, saving coupon or something else) |
Results in:
- one infant, chosen at random in the orphanage
- at least one adult adoptable to act like parent
- 10 posts in this thread or any thread related to it (role-play, etc.)
- 1000 silver
Breeding: Normal
Results in:
- a high percentage of getting one infant, and small percentage of getting 2 or more*
- two parents of different gender
- 25 posts in this thread or any thread related to it (role-play, etc.)
- 2500 silver (from one person, or 1250 silver from both parents)
Breeding: Multiple
Results in:
- a high percentage of getting 2 infants, and a small percentage of getting 3 or more*
- two parents of different gender
- 50 posts in this thread or any thread related to it (role-play, etc.)
- a bottle of Sunlantern Infusion
- 5000 silver (from one person, or 2500 silver from both parents)
Same Gender Breeding: Normal
Results in:
- a high percentage of getting one infant, and small percentage of getting 2 or more*
- two parents of the same gander
- 25 posts in this thread or any thread related to it (role-play, etc.)
- a Moonstone necklace
- 2500 silver
Same Gender Breeding: Multiple
Results in:
- a high percentage of getting 2 infants, and a small percentage of getting 3 or more*
- two parents of the same gander
- 50 posts in this thread or any thread related to it (role-play, etc.)
- a bottle of Sunlantern Infusion
- a Moonstone necklace
- 5000 silver
*: Each clan has a different percentage of chances of having multiple pregnancy. The details can be found in the clans' post. When this option is chosen, I'll use a random number generator to see what the results are.
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:12 am
| Trading Post:
Breeding Items:
The following items are used to help breed your adoptables. They may not always be available, depending of how popular they become. See the "Breeding" post for more information.
picture coming soon!
Sunlantern Infusion: Sunlanterns are small flowers that grow in the mountains. They are generally among the first plants to come out after the long winter, and are thus associated with the return to life. It is common a common belief that drink infusion made of sunlanterns will increase the drinker's fertility.
Price: 1000 silver
picture coming soon!
Moonstone Necklace: Moonstone is a special kind of stone found deep inside the mountain. It is a very special gemstone that reflects all the colors of the rainbow when expose to soft light, while having a simple nacre-like aspect the rest of the time. It is often turned into necklace and other charms to represent love and commitment.
Price: 100 silver
Crafted Items and Body Modifications:
Simple Accessory: 200 silver
Includes simple necklace, bracelet or anklet, ring and earring (if possible with the lineart), simple bags, etc.
Complex Accessory: 400 silver
For pretty much anything that isn't just a small charm on a string or ring.
Armor: 1000 silver
Made of harder materials (leather, metal, wood, etc.). Includes a combination of gauntlets, wrist or arm protection, shoulder pads, breastplate, protective leggings or skirt, knee pads, boots, etc. If you only want one of those (except torso armor/breastplate), you can put get them like complex accessories or clothes.
Cloth: 750 silver
Made of softer materials (soft leather, cotton, wool, silk, etc.). Includes shirt, vest, pants, leggings, scarf, etc.
Dye: 200 silver
A pot of colored goo that can be applied to clothes, accessories, armor or hair to change its color. It will not modify the shape of the chosen item.
Haircut: 300 silver if alone, 400 silver if it includes dying (dye is included in the price)
Pretty much self-explanatory. This allows you to modify the haircut of your creature. If his hair were not shown previously, I can tell you what color it is (generally related to the mask's color, but not always).
Mask Modifications: 250 to 1000 silver, depending of the importance of the changes
For any modification to the mask. Small (cheap) modifications include adding small accessories, changing eye colors, adding a small marking, etc. Pricier modifications include changing the color of most of the mask or similar things that effects the majority of the structure.
Tattoo: 400 to 800 silver
Tattoo. Simple as that. Price varies according to the size and complexity of the design. Remember the lineart and clothing of your creature before ordering this.
Simple Weapon or Handheld Item: 500 silver
For simple, poorly detailed items.
Complex Weapon or Handheld Item: 750 silver
For more complex or detailed items.
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am
| Inhabitants:
Total population: ~150
User-owned population: 11
Adi - Scout - Weaseldale (Jan. 6th, 2012)
Devnar - Merchant - Dr. Tick Tock (Jan. 6th, 2012)
Kiri - Healer - lexi luthor (Jan. 6th, 2012)
Olivande - Hunter - Dr. Tick Tock (Jan. 14th, 2012)
Vera - Cleric - Angelic.Demon (Jan. 6th, 2012)
YenChan - Cleric - KoyiTar (Jan. 6th, 2012)
Courtney - Merchant - Kupsy (Feb. 4th, 2012)
Kal - Scout - Malverne (Feb. 4th, 2012)
Selena - Healer - Sonatina (Feb. 4th, 2012)
Piéplanche - Bard student - Maeve (Jan. 6th, 2012)
Jaohi - ? - Angelic.Demon (Feb. 4th, 2012)
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am
| Extra Information: The Clans
The Lynxes:
(singular: Lynx; plural: Lynxes; adjective: lynxian)
The Lynxes live at the base of Mt. Neru. They are a proud clan, relying mostly on their hunting skills to survive, although they are also good climbers and often guide expeditions in the nearby mountains. They live in small villages, composed of familial houses made of stone and wood, along the roads leading to the mountain. They don't really have a government, but a council of elders is present in all villages, acting like judges for any conflicts that require their intervention.
Breeding details:
- 90% chances of having 1 infant
- 8% chances of having 2 infants
- 2 % chances of having 3 to 5 infants
- - of that last 2%: 90% chances of having 3 infants, 7% of having 4 infants and 3% of having 5 infants
With a fertility potion:
- 5% chances of having 1 infant (i.e the potion didn't work)
- 85% chances of having 2 infants
- 7% chances of having 3 infants
- 2% chances of having 4 infants
- 1% chances of having 5 infants
Due to the state of technologies and healthcare, there is rarely more than five infants, and most of the time they don't survive.
Loudwater: Loudwater is a large village, at least for lynxian standards. It is situated at the junction of the Path, the main road of the Mountains, and the Clear river, coming down into massive waterfalls a few miles away from the center of the village. Because of its location, many outsiders pass by the village, making it an important trade center for all the merchandises coming to or leaving the Mountains.
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am
| Extra Information: The Classes
The Warriors:
Guards: The guards are responsible of the protection of their clan. It means they fight off any invader, but they also patrol their village and maintain order. They are also in charge of the local jail, if one is present.
Raiders: The raiders are specialized warriors who attack other villages to steal their goods. Depending of their clan's culture, their role can also be similar to mercenaries, accompagnying expedition in exchange of various goods. When they are in their village, they can also work like guards if a major conflicts happens.
Scouts: The scouts are in charge of keeping an eye on everything going on. The very good scouts are sometimes use like spies, but generally their role consists of watching the outside of the village and warning the guards if anything suspicious comes up. Some scouts can also be hired by expeditions to guide them.
The Providers:
Farmers/Hunters: Although they could be included in the worker category, the farmers and hunters are among the most important people of a clan since they provide the most essential goods for its survival. Thus, they are generally quite respectable characters, especially when they are older and have more experience, and often play an important role in their village's development.
Merchants: Merchants travel the world to bring back useful goods in their village. Most of them travel in small group with other merchants or hired mercenaries, since the unguarded roads are full of dangers. Depending of their culture, their travel schedule varies quite a lot. Some will spend most of their time in their village selling what they have gathered, while other will travel all their life in caravans.
Workers: The workers make up most of a village's population. They include miners, lumberjacks, breeders, tailors, jewelers, caretakers, and a lot more. The kind of workers you can find in a village depends mostly of the resources found around it. For example, a character living in a woody area has more chances of being an axeman or woodworker than another character who lives in the desert.
The Scholars:
Bards/Historians/Teachers: They are the holders of all the knowledge their clan and village has gathered. The main difference between them is what they do with that knowledge. Historians are mostly charged of collecting knowledge and preserving it for future generations, often by writing it down. Bards and teachers take their knowledge and share it with the rest of the village.
Clerics/Priests/Shamans: All the clans have a religion or spiritual belief. Some are more organized than others, but at the very least they have someone that is there to answer things that cannot yet be explained. Depending of their culture, the priests' or shamans' work can be compared to a psychologist, listening to what the others have to say and trying to help them, a healer, a warrior, etc.
Healers: The healers exist in all society, even if they sometimes go by another name. They spend most of their time gathering medical herbs and substances, turning them into potions and using those to heal and protect their people. In some clans, they also act like shaman or cleric, meaning they are also responsible of some religious duties.
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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 am
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:14 am