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 PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:03 pm Reply with quote        
So, the OOC forum is kinda cluttered by a lot of dead threads. Most of them seem to be search threads, you know, those little threads people make because they are looking for a role-play partner, and then they disappear and the thread stays there, useless.

Well, following a little convo with Dr. Tick Tock, I talked with Cat about making one thread for those kind of searches. It would include a small form people could fill, with info about what they like and what they are looking for, and then those forms would be posted in the thread and linked on the front page, maybe divided in categories so it's easier to find whatever you are looking for. All the searching ads would go into that thread, and users would be encouraged to contact each other via PM or whatever they want.

I can take care of pretty much everything, but I'd like to know what you think, what you'd like to see in that thread, how you think it should be organized, etc. So, please share your thoughts, ideas, comments, candies, etc. Big Grin

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
Dr. Tick Tock

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 PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:12 pm Reply with quote        

To make things easier for people, you should put up an (optional) form for people to fill out when looking for RP partners.

Something like

1-on-1 or Group:
Literacy Level: (novice, intermediate, advanced, novelist)
Genres you prefer:
Romantic y/n?:
--M/M, F/F, or M/F?:
Any plot ideas you'd like to focus on for the RP:
Examples of your posts:

...and so on.
And people could suggest different things they think should be added. And stuff.

You should have three different posts [in the search for RPers topic], each with the respective categories, "One on One" "Group" or "Undecided/Doesn't Matter"

And then from there have each post be divided by certain criteria.

So like...


Historical Fiction
(list of links to peoples forms)

Modern Fiction


--Subcategory of Historical Fantasy

etc for rest of post]


Historical Fiction

Modern Fiction

...blahblah and so on]

And then you can put some sort of symbol next to the links signaling if they're strictly non-romantic, already have a plot, etc.

ORRRR you could even have the major categories be "Private" "Public" and then have one-on-one, group, etc. Because there are people who might want a private group rp that no one else can join except the people they pick. But. Eh. Maybe that would work better in a more active site xD


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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:42 pm Reply with quote        
This is a great idea overall. I think you should also include of someone has been active or inactive in bold green(active) and red(inactive) letters on the ad. That way, when someone does come back to roleplay, their status can change much easily.

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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:46 am Reply with quote        
Thanks for that Tock and OrangeAutumn! ^^

Yeah, I was thinking of putting some mark besides people who have not been active for more than a month (or two). Dunno if it'll be color, or just a "~ on hiatus ~" kinda thing, but yeah, it'd certainly be useful.

For the categories, I think the easiest would be to have "One-on-one", "Group" (or Public group, or open, or whatever), and then maybe a "Private group", although, as Tock said, maybe the private one isn't really needed... Maybe it could be sort of a sub-category of the Group category, or just something that could be added in the info form.
If possible, I'd like to keep the sub-categories/ role-play genres division as simple as possible (that, and considering the number of role-players around, it's probably not that useful to split them in uber-defined categories, ending up with only one of two people in each). Not sure about them yet, but I'll try to find some ideas this week.

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:52 pm Reply with quote        
So, I'm going to try to finish this by the end of the week.
Right now, the categories/genres are:
-> Fantasy*
-> Historical Fiction (like in realistic stories taking place in the past, no fantasy)
-> Horror
-> Modern Fiction (like in realistic modern day stories, no fantasy)
-> Romance (romance being pretty much the only thing the role-play is about)
-> Science-fiction
-> Steampunk
-> Suspense/Thriller
-> others?

* Fantasy could need a bit more refining, however I'm having some problems defining the sub-categories for it (or at least naming them), so if you have ideas, please share them Wink

Once the real thread is created, each genre will be explained (shortly, just to make sure everybody understands what each genre is for). And, if someone can't find a category that suits them, it can always be added later on.

The profile would look pretty much like what Tock posted earlier... I'll work on that later today/tomorrow.

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.

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 PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:44 am Reply with quote        
Pff, completely forgot about this for a moment orz
Sorry guys Sweat

Anyway, the thread will be posted in a minute. So, if you have anything to say after checking it, you can always PM me and all.

Thanks for the help ^^

On semi-hiatus all the time during school year.
I'll reply to post whenever I can.
PM me if you need a quick answer.
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