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Joined:  10 Oct 2010
Total posts:  53
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All about Kaitoku
I am 14 and I am a freshmen in Highschool. Both my parents broke a bone and I am the last kid in the house. I have 3 best friends that are like my sisters, my real sister is far away(Phooey) along with my other sister by heart. I hate school but I just want to get it over with so i won't have to repeat it. My life sucks and I have to take Anti-depressents because my dad is being an idiot and trying to control me.(No one has been able to control me!) I love cats and writing stories, I try to be happy. I am on Myspace, Facebook, Tumblr, and Yahoo. If you want to talk to me either message me or send e-mail. Call me Tempers, Kaitoku, Jalice, or Temps.
Kaitoku's Character
Image Description Level
Forge Forge Skill 3
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 3

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 48/50
  Mana Points:: 4/10
  Weight: 22/1,060
  Experience:: 90/1,000
Armour Class Armour Class 20
Strength Strength 12
Intelligence Intelligence 7
Wisdom Wisdom 10
Constitution Constitution 20
Battle Statistics
Victories 3
Defeats 0
Flees 2

Level: 1
   Class: Fighter
   Race: Tribe of B'asat Iqui
Tribe of B'asat Iqui
   Element: Wind
   Alignment: Evil

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