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Joined:  11 Apr 2010
Total posts:  43
Find all posts by BonesTheHeretic
All about BonesTheHeretic
Hmm... well, I'm sixteen. Or possibly seventeen, as it's unlikely I'll update this before the end of December (my birthday). I'm a girl, though if you want to roleplay - which I hardly ever do anymore - I play characters of any and every age, gender, orientation or what have you.

I love paperbacks, graphic novels (I'm looking at you, Sandman), Doctor Who, most genres of music and literature, and a fair few other TV shows. Some of the more notable or just recent ones include: Sherlock, the X-Files, Fringe, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Neil Gaimen is my god, but if we're talking actual supernatural beings, I'm an atheist. Firefox, tabs, lots of blankets, my friends, and good fanfiction make me happy.

I like to write, I like video games, and I like chemistry - when I don't have loads of homework. Also, I like to talk, hate emailing, and am unnerved by the prospect of long phone calls. Texting is just frustrating.

Nice to meet you.
BonesTheHeretic's Character
Image Description Level
Forge Forge Skill 3
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 3

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 20/40
  Mana Points:: 14/18
  Weight: 8/1,140
  Experience:: 18/880
Armour Class Armour Class 22
Strength Strength 19
Intelligence Intelligence 13
Wisdom Wisdom 20
Constitution Constitution 17
Battle Statistics
Victories 39
Defeats 0
Flees 0

Level: 2
   Class: Monk
   Race: Tribe of Jobe
Tribe of Jobe
   Element: Light
   Alignment: Neutral

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