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Joined:  18 Jul 2008
Total posts:  11869
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Location:  In between your toes.
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All about Catghost
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I'm on Skype(thecatghost)

Howdy, seems you've stumbled across my little section of Midorea. The name's Cat, I run this here site along with my awesome staff. I tend to stay in my Mothership and Site areas for the most part, though it's not uncommon to spot me around different parts of the site. If you ever just want to talk though, feel free to PM me. Contrary to what you might think, I don't get a lot of PMs and am always excited to see the little blinking message icon.
My hobbies include drawing, photography, programming/web design, swimming, fishing, making movies, writing, collecting shiny things and playing the guitar.

I am currently attending college and will be majoring in Business Management. My goal in life is to be the best person I can be in every way, utilizing everything that I've been given to achieve it, as well as to work through what I lack. Perhaps travel the world sometime along the way too.

I love music also, though my tastes change often. My favorite bands currently are The Black Keys and Heartless Bastards.

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Here's a picture of a man dancing on bacon. Because I felt my profile needed a man dancing on bacon.

also a real life catghost:

My centaaaurrsssss

Catghost's Character
Image Description Level
Forge Forge Skill 2
Enchantment Enchantment Skill 2

Vital Stats
  Health Points:: 180/500
  Mana Points:: 10/10
  Weight: 8,345/1,570
  Experience:: 2,307/2,591
Armour Class Armour Class 20
Strength Strength 15
Intelligence Intelligence 13
Wisdom Wisdom 19
Constitution Constitution 21
Battle Statistics
Victories 20
Defeats 3
Flees 1

Level: 11
   Class: Fighter
   Race: Tribe of B'asat Iqui
Tribe of B'asat Iqui
   Element: Fire
   Alignment: Holy

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